Order FAQsUpdated 5 months ago
Can I expedite the shipping on my order?
Yes. We offer several expedited shipping options online.
Oops! I accidentally placed my order with the incorrect shipping address. What should I do?
Please contact our customer service department as soon as you are aware of the mistake for assistance with correcting the address. Please keep in mind that we process orders very quickly and we are not able to make any corrections once the item is shipped from our facility. If the items are still in transit we will work with you to reroute the package if possible.
How can I track my order?
Once the order ships, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number that you will be able to track on FedEx.com. If you have not received a shipping confirmation email within 3-4 business days of placing your order, please call Customer Service 1-855-665-7710 or email [email protected]. If you opt in to receive text alerts, you will be notified via SMS when your order arrives. Subject to carrier availability.